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КРС-1 welding machine is designed for in-track flash-butt welding of rails with cross section of 6500 mm2 to 10000 mm2 during construction and repair of railroad tracks.

The machine comprises K 922-1 rail welding machine with upset force of 120 t with Siemens programmed control system, which allows performing welding using pulsed flashing. КРС-1 machine is equipped with a press for testing the reference samples of the welded rails.

Parameter nameRate
Overall dimension for transport according to GOST 9238-831-Т
Base on axis of vehicle coupling, mm20320
Speed at transportation by a separate locomotive or as a part of a train, km/h100
Speed with trailer train on the platform, km/h.100
Speed in operation mode, km/h5
Weight of trailer train, t130 (пассажирский вагон
+4-х-осная платформа)
Wheel tread diameter, mm950
Fuel contents, t2,4
Minimum radius of curve negotiation in horizontal profile, m150
Weight of machine, t70
Service staff (excluding personnel required for process operations), persons 2
Machine welding time for one rail joint, type P65, sec, at most120
Capacity of power unit, kW, at least315

The following components are installed on the machine:

  • diesel power plant with a capacity of at least 400 kVA,
  • two-axle carriages,
  • traction motors with thyristor speed control, which provides a smooth acceleration and movement of the machine with a trailed train set of up to 130 tons.

The machine includes:

  • modern rail welding machine K 922-1 with an upset force of 120 tons, which allows to weld rail inserts without deformation of the insert in the form of a “loop”,
  • press for testing control welded joints, a device for pulling up rails, technological equipment.
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